Wednesday, February 6, 2008

MC CAIN - THE ' Conservative'

From this side of the pond it is all too easy to see Mc Cain as an avuncular benign conservative . This is 'conservative ' sans neo.
He must shed the wretchedness of the neocons and yet remain an attractive candidate to the GOP faithful.
But his POW status notwithstanding is it sufficient to reward a man who was probably heroic in Vietnam , with the Presidency just because he does'nt appear to have any skeletons in the cubbard.
There are some murmurings about shady dealy but they seem far too nebulous to make manifest allegations against him.
But from hear I'm hearing a language which speaks with some derision about the white flag.
If the war is a failure and they have to leave as ignominiously as they did after the fall of Saigon it would be far more noble and compassionate for the servicemen in Iraq that they at least negotiate a truce and withdraw with some degree of honour.
But will they do that and leave the big capitalists there , and moreover lose control of oil in the Middle East , which is what it was always about.
MC Cain comes from a military family , something he is not afraid to trumpet as if it were that he was handed the keys of the kingdom ; the heir of his patrimony .
We like to think of him as 'a bit Irish , even if he does'nt make the claim as overtly as he might.
Mr MC Cain has made his position on Iraq clear enough to forewarn the electorate.
What about Iran . Would he show the restraint to nuke or otherwise interfere there.?
What about the road to Baghdad being through Jerusalem , ;the implication here being that if the USA were seen to be honest brokers in establishing dual statehood for Israel and the Palestinians ; would he be as partisan towards the Israelis as the Bush administration has been ?
Remember that while Bush visited the region for the first and only time in recent weeks , that even when he was talking about realigning historical borders , at that very time the Israelis were actually continuing with their carve up of occupied territories; dividing farms , denying farmers from access to their olive groves ;
diverting the water from these farms .; strangulating the occupied territories from essential supplies ,
I have served as a doctor on 6 missions with the UN , have visited these farms , have had discussions with young Israelis about their alleged hegemony and military supremacy. Most are conscious of their ( Israeli) disproportionate war in Lebanon - which was mostly against Lebanese citizens and destroyed an economic and infra- structure the Lebanese had struggled so hard to reconstruct.
I have seen the devastation in Northern Israel ,caused by Hamaz rockets launched from Southern Lebanon .
I have also seen the resullt of operation Grapes of Wrath , launched by the Israelis on civilliant sheltering in the Fijian battallion HQ and the memory will neber ever leave me.
I have visited the Holocost Museum and was equally revolted .
The mutual distrust is manifest in everything everyday.
The situation there and elsewhere requires a less belicose voice than Mr Mc Cain's .
It requires the vision , imagination , compassion of someone like Obama.
One senses that despite his relative inexperience , his mind is suffeciently open to be that honest broker.
He would certainly refrain from any designs in Iran.
Maybe mine is a naive hope , but we all look to the USA for a renewed international integrity . We depend on the US for stability in world economics.
I would plead with the uncommitted American voter to take pause .
This is the most defining time for the US sense of equality , freedom , and the right to pursue happiness. ,
Could the avuncular Mc Cain succeed in this very fragile area while he still talks of disdaining the white flag.

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Ed said...
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