Friday, November 24, 2006

SUV- Owners

They sit in their suvs each day - frosted out from the real world - impervious and oblivious to anything outside their self-absorbed conversations on their pink mobile phones. They have fashion mags on their laps - Paris Hilton and some other airheads
Their children come squabbling from their private school. Fat, unfit, screaming ugly.
They are double-parked -but screw that - get a life you asshole.
And these people who are as guilty of asbos as drunken teenagers who urinate and fornicate on our streets are tutoring and nourishing another generation of children who will be an indulgent and as self centred as themselves; their mothers will insist on it as their right; not for them the notion of summer jobs, or opening doors or any of the other shackles of subservience; these are the inheritors of the earth; the dot com spawn - the chosen people; the new Israelites of this global tower of Babel.

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