I have some small small experience of the conflict in the Middle East - between 80- 99 -I learned there that soldiers dont hate one another . officers might . countries maybe - politicians pretend - but they lack the sinceerity of true hatred as a driving emotion. when a soldier sees up close the devastation his bullets can inflict - , which is incidently quite rare -he sees his victim dead , then sees him as a man , with a family , doing what he thinks right , providing food and sustenance for his family -has a vision for his country , his society - and now he's blown him away in a most gruesome and thoughtless act ; then he realises for the first time that he had nothing against this man;the man he has just likked ; that his values , his ambition , his hopes for his family are so m uch the same as his own - that the officer who ordered the firing has a whole different perspective and value system
There has been a class dimension to all wars - most vividly evident in WW1-
but the common denominators which soldiers have are much more numerous than those that separate them - sociologically or idealogically
i think this comes across in ''Munich'' where the israeli meets the plo guy and he asks him what he's fighting for- is it the dusty road and the dingy huts- Yes - the plo guy says -Yes!
its an unfinished moment in the film , one i think spielberg wanted to develope on but either couldnt or wouldnt . but he put it in to give some sort of compassionate dimension to the psychopathic nature of the israeli killer.
I think the scene of this same guy listening to his newborn baby gurgling down the phone doesnt work , and spielberg realises that; it should work ; its not inconsistent with the psychopathic personna- a term which had been abandond by the psychuatric community , but has been restored again , as the socio- pathic term was inelequent and inadequete ..
they are now saying that only a fraction of soldiers who fired their weapons in WW2 , actually aimed them at an enemy target - most of the killing was done by the bomb / tank/ mortar etc.
i wonder if this is true in Iraq ; i think it is probabally not so . i think perhaps the way the whole mission has now been seen to be defiled , with rumsfield gone, and now bolton, the utter vileness of the war is becoming apparent to the unfortunate soldiers - there is no great victory here- future generations will look back and shrug. and the guys out there know that there is no glory, no idealism . no culture to defeat - or that should have been interfered with at all .
That this may becoming daily more aparent to the US soldiers serving in Iraq is and should deeply disturbing to us all. We have all failed them . not just rumsfield and bush and chainey , and bolton and however many others - but that we , the west have failed them. that we have exposed them to a futile and ignominious confrontation where there can be no completion of their ill defined and mission , and so resolution , restitution or makeshift pandering to military vainglory.
We should try to bring them home now. The cost has been too high. too high for a just cause and sinfull for an unjust one .
Egos will be sullied and so they should be ; their hands are bloood stained .Politicians will bluff and bluster about never cutting and running - but they are not there to count their dead ; pack the listless body bags ; count their blessings for today and hope for deliverance tomorrow . And all this while .. while the politicians demur , and fillibuster , looking for a way ; any way to spare their blushes .
Enough .
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
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